Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Reading

What books are you reading this year?

I’m reading, Angels in Our Lives by Marie Chapian. I confess I’ve only read about 100 pages of the 266 pages but have already found it different than most angel books I’ve read.  She shares how angels fit into our everyday lives and how to partner with them. This book will bring you up higher in your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this read and I know you will be blessed! Hebrews 1:14:  "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?"

Let’s share any books we’ve discovered worth our reading time.

Just Believe,

Friday, July 8, 2011

Update from Tate Publishing for my children’s picture book, Heaven, Just Believe.

This month Chris Webb, a graphic designer from Tate Publishing, will be working on the cover design and the layout of Heaven, Just Believe.

Chris will work the cover illustration into several possibilities followed by the Creative Director’s review and recommendations. The middle of this month I will receive an email with the options. I can hardly wait! I know many of you shared your ideas with me about the cover and they were all great.  Thanks for sharing. I’ll post the cover as soon as it is available!

The layout process is where everything comes together and it looks like a book! Again, I can hardly wait to see the initial proof the end of this month.

I’m looking forward to all the wonderful surprises. Today I was given a word from the Lord which was, “Stand-by!”

Just Believe