Monday, October 20, 2014

Have a safe Halloween has fun activities and a video for your children all designed to teach them how to be safe this Halloween. Check it out!

Thursday, October 16, 2014 an online advertising site, on trial

On October 21st at 1:30pm, our WA State Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on an unprecedented liability lawsuit against Backpage for knowingly profiting from the sale of girls. We applaud attorneys Erik Bauer of Tacoma and Mike Pfau of Seattle for their courage in filing this suit on behalf of three girls who were raped and otherwise brutalized hundreds of times while profited from this practice.

What you can do? 
Our State Supreme Court Justices need to know the sentiment and passion against the sale of children online, and we need the press to publicize this case. YOU can volunteer to do one of the two below:
  1. Call people to attend and fill the inside and outside of the courtroom.  WAEngage is organizing groups: to volunteer.
  2. Attend the oral argument and/or rally outside the courtroom.

1.    Wear a red shirt (or wear Shared Hope International activist T-shirts)
2.    Nick and Jo Lembo will have Shared Hope stickers for everyone to wear on the front of your shirt. Ambassadors wear your nametag!
3.    Meet on the state capitol steps at 12:30 pm with your signs. After we make our appearance, we will go up to the hearing room together.  NOTE: Depending on the turnout, we may not all have seating in the hearing room but your presence is still important! Posters are allowed on the steps, but NOT inside the building. Create  your own to say “NOT IN MY CITY” in bold black letters on white paper.

4.    Contact NICK LEMBO if you have questions.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Want to be a volunteer?

For all my California friends in the San Francisco Bay Area:
Would you like to volunteer and share the love of reading with children?

You can apply to be a volunteer with the San Jose Public Library - Joyce Ellington Branch

Monday, August 25, 2014

Demanding Justice

As long as buyers go free there will be demand for child sex trafficking. Today Shared Hope unveiled a campaign demanding justice of buyers. Click to find who is buying in your state and what can be done.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Want to help find a missing child?

The Polly Klaas Rapid Response Team has helped achieve a 99% recovery rate.

Visit the Polly Klaas Foundation master list of children on their website or Facebook page and choose a child’s poster to share on your Facebook or twitter page.  (You can either cut and paste the URL into your status or you can download and share the PDF of a child’s flyer)

Urge your Facebook friends and Twitter followers to share this missing child’s poster on their page.
If someone recognizes a child they should phone it in to 1-800-587-HELP.

The goal is 25 shares for each missing child! Imagine the total number of people who will see each child’s picture – Imagine the impact this will have for families still searching for their child – imagine being part of finding them and bringing them home!

Let’s make a difference this May 25th, the National Missing Children's Day

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Internet Safety

Would you like to teach your children about Internet safety in a fun and excting way? Check out The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s new website. The site has interactive, educational safety resources for the 5-17 year old.

As parents do you have questions about Internet safety? Go to and find answers to your questions from their online library.

Let’s make our children’s home a safe place.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Watch Superbook This Weekend!

Gather your family together to share the true meaning of Easter!Watch Easter Bible stories come to life with incredible animation and share the true meaning of this holiday with your family!
"Last Supper"
The King of kings becomes the servant of all. 
Watch the Trailer
"He is Risen"
The story of Jesus’ love, sacrifice and resurrection.
Watch the Trailer

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ways to Keep Our Children Safe

Hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. When thinking about the New Year I want to share with you ways to keep the children in your lives safe.

The You Can’t Fool Me: Be a Safe Kid coloring book teaches younger children when to be suspicious of strangers and how to ask for help. You can download a free copy at

Fingerprinting all children is an effective tool. Here’s how it works:
·         Parents fingerprint children and they keep the kit in a safe place at home.
·         If their child goes missing, they immediately report it to the police and then turn over the fingerprint kit. The prints go into the National Exploited Children database.
·         When police locate a child, they run their fingerprints against the database of The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, identifying the child and contacting their parents.
You can order one for free at:

May we all have a safe 2014!