Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Or better said, a book cover design is worth a thousand words. Yes, the editing process comes to a close next week and the book cover design phase begins. I’m inviting you to share your ideas for the cover. What is your vision for the cover of, Heaven, Just Believe? For more information about the book, click Children’s Books. Looking forward to your comments below.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Are Bookstores Obsolete?

Today, we read the shocking news about mega bookstores closing and filing bankruptcies. Is the rich experience of walking through the book stacks of your favorite bookstore going away? Is the day coming, when we will no longer have a book to hold?

On a recent trip to Portland, Oregon my husband, Gene, had a surprise for me. He took me to see Powell’s Books, the largest bookstore in Portland. Powell’s sells four million new and used books a year with a half million books in stock. We had a wonderful time exploring all the books and seeing people everywhere enjoying the book buying process.

First, I found the children’s book department. I browsed the award-winning children’s books. It fascinated me to see the past winners all the way back to the 1940’s. I enjoyed looking at the staff’s current recommendations. It encouraged my heart to see children excited to find their favorite book.

I’m in the research process about writing my next children’s book about angels. I found a stack of interesting books about angels at Powell’s. What a blessings!

I encourage you to visit Powell’s at one of their six locations. We liked:

1005 W. Burnside
Portland, Oregon

Or you can visit on-line at:
And yes, they sell e-books.

Today we can have it all, the bookstore experience and the convenience of e-book readers.

Please share your favorite bookstore experience, especially if you have visited Powell’s.

Enjoy a book today,
Just Believe