Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Starts with Thanks!

As 2011 comes to an end, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported, Heaven, Just Believe and cheered me on as I launched my book. I appreciate all of you and all that you have done. Thanks for partnering with me as we help the hurting children.
Blessings & Happy New Year,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Many Thanks

Warm, sunny weather began the day and the Majestic Mountain Coffee Roasters filled the air with wonderful aromas. The time flew by as books were sold and signed, new people were met, and friends stopped in. Thank you Majestic Mountain Coffee Roasters for hosting my book signing and giving us all a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Looking for something to do this Saturday, December 17th?

I’ll be at the Majestic Mountain Coffee Roasters in Kingston, Washington. I have a copy of the trailer for my book, Heaven, Just Believe. Soon you will be seeing this trailer as commercials on television, on YouTube, and my website. Come by, watch it and tell me what you think.
11229 NE Hwy 104, Kingston , 1-3 p.m.
There will be free gifts for the children. Invite your friends, Sandy 

Friday, December 9, 2011

California Here I Come, Yes Right Back Where I Started From

Everyone is invited to the California Book Event. If you know people in California, please let them know they are invited too!

Refreshments for everyone, story time, and free surprises for all children to introduce my book, Heaven, Just Believe.
December 22nd, 1-4 p.m.

Linda Mar Educational Center
830 Rosita Rd. Pacifica, CA
Hope to see you there.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Next Fun Event

Do you need a fun December outing for your children? Bring them to the Majestic Mountain Coffee Roasters December 17th, from 1-3 p.m. They are located at 11229 NE# Hwy 104, Kingston, WA.  I’ll be there with free gifts for them and we can talk about my new book, Heaven, Just Believe. Everyone is invited. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Invite your friends.

Just Believe,

PS If you bought a pre-release copy before the audio book was done, it’s now available for a free download. Josh Kilborne, the reader from Tate Publishing, did a great job!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Big Day Has Arrived!

Today is the official release of Heaven, Just Believe.  Books can be purchased from Amazon, bookstores like Barnes & Noble, and Tate Publishing. Author signed copies are available from this website. 

Profits from the sale of Heaven, Just Believe will be used to save children sold into the sex industry. My thanks to all of you who purchase a book and partner with me to bless these children.  In the months to follow on my website I will highlight different ministries who are making a difference. 

Each book includes a free audio version which will be available the end of this month.

Check your Christmas list and let me help you with your shopping. Free gift wrapping is available upon request at my website.

Just Believe,

Saturday, November 19, 2011

North Kitsap Event

Author Marge McRae and I joined forces to sell our books at the North Kitsap Holiday Fest in Poulsbo, Washington. We had fun and made new friends. Enjoy the photographs.

The two day event ended with Gene winning a cookbook, The Zucchini Gourmet. That evening we enjoyed lasagna with zucchini and spinach. Yummy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Visual Tour Launch Party

You are invited to join me as I share the launch party event for Heaven, Just Believe. It was a crisp fall day in Port Gamble, Washington. The event took place at St. Paul’s church. Let’s start the visual tour.

St. Paul's Church

It was party time.

Sandy joined Elliot & Ashley. 

Sandy enjoyed the angels LuAnn Buff created from the book, Heaven, Just Believe. If you need special baked goodies email me and I'll connect you with Lu Ann.

The angel cookies were a hit!

    Heaven, Just Believe made the cover of the cake.

  No one went hungry.

      Great, chocolate cake her favorite!

 A boy's dream came true.

    I think he had a little too much sugar.

The ladies had fun.

       Looks like it was a fun time for everyone.

Sandy had so much fun reading to the children.

      Sandy's helper, Emma, loved the feather pen.

         Friends had time for a visit.

Gwynn stopped by the book signing table.

Thanks to all of you who attended the event, purchased books, 
and shared the day with us.

My thanks to Pastor Bob Smith and all the helpers from St. Paul’s church.
My thanks to my heavenly helpers, Gigi Delettrez, Shirley Demmert, Carol Moser, and Carol Taylor.
My thanks to photographers Bernie Delettrez and Gene Hill.

I’m thankful for all of you who blessed this special day and gave me wonderful memories to treasure always.
Love, Sandy

Next Blog: Photographs from the North Kitsap Holiday Event.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Friendly Reminder:

Hope you can join me this Saturday, November 12th from 1-4pm for the book launch party for,
Heaven, Just Believe.

Story times:        1:45, 2:30 and 3:15
Venue:               St. Paul’s Church
Address:            31899 State Highway 104 NE                                 
  Port Gamble, WA 98364       

Monday, October 24, 2011

You are invited to the book launch party!

Everyone is invited to the book launch party for Heaven, Just Believe November 12th, 1-4 p.m. 
Hope you can join me for an afternoon of refreshments, free gifts for children, and a surprise bag with each book purchased.
Venue:     St. Paul’s Church
Address:  31899 State Highway 104 NE   
                 Port Gamble, WA 98364 
Invite your friends too!    

If you are out of the area or can't make it, you can still get signed copies online. I would be glad to personalize them. Just enter the name in the text box on checkout. Click the Books on Sale Now tab above to start.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two More Endorsements for Heaven, Just Believe

“As a grandma with a granddaughter in heaven I have to say I loved this book. We are told heaven is a place of joy, delight and wonderful surprises. Heaven, Just Believe shows the awe and wonder of discovering heaven through the eyes of children. What a treat is in store for parents and grandparents as they use this book to talk to their little ones about our eternal home.”
Shirley Demmert, retired teacher and bible bookstore owner

“Heaven, Just Believe will leave adults and children alike looking forward with great anticipation to their amazing home in heaven! This story will abolish fear and increase desire for all that God has for us as believers. What a beautiful description of what awaits us. Each time Grammy said ‘Let’s go see’, I found myself wanting to exclaim, ‘Oh yes, let’s!’”
Jill Clancey, Director of Children’s Ministry, The Firehouse Church

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The big day is just around the corner.

Yes, Heaven, Just Believe has completed the production process. This author says, “Yippee!” The official release date is November 22nd. Yes, it will be available from Amazon, Tate Publishing, bookstores and signed copies only through this website.  After the release date, keep your eyes on those television sets because Tate Publishing will be airing 16 commercials for Heaven, Just Believe.  Don’t worry if you miss it because I will be showing it on the website also.  

Monday, September 19, 2011

The book’s in the mail!

Yes, Heaven, Just Believe is through the production process, printed, and mailed. This fall you will be able to order it on-line, there will be launch parties, and book signings. Would you like to read one of the endorsements for the book?

“Heaven, Just Believe combines vivid imagery and simple childlike faith to a refreshing new light and meaning. As you read the story you can't help but put yourself in the characters shoes and let your own sense of wonder and heaven overtake you. This story gives wings to faith and depicts the beauty of our inheritance in Christ. It will inspire all to ask the question... What happens if we really ask and believe to go up up up!”

Ben Humble, Campus Life Director, Youth for Christ

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Children’s Picture Book, Heaven, Just Believe

Yippee, the cover is done and ready to share with you. Jason Hutton, illustrator for Tate Publishing, created three different covers but this is the winner and I couldn’t be happier.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Break Time from Heaven, Just Believe book deadlines

Heaven, Just Believe is in the final stage before it goes to the book production stage. While I wait to hear from Tate Publishing I decided to take a little break and have some fun.

My husband, Gene, and I decided to join the 3rd annual Kingston Slug-Hunt. You may ask yourself what is a Slug-Hunt? Ceramic slugs decorated by local artists and students are hidden around town for children and adults to find. If you don’t find one, no problem, you can join the silent auction and bid on your favorite but be aware you are bidding against call-in bids from other states. Yes, the Slug Hunt is that famous!

It was a beautiful sunny day and off we went on our adventure. I found one in front of Main Street Ale House restaurant. Artist Lori Barrett created Love the Grape slug. We stopped by Main Street Ale House for a delicious lunch and a photo opportunity. We love this slug and have added a candle and put it in our entryway to greet our guests.
Sandy with  artist Lori Barrett

Another one I found was La Di Da by artist Jessica McGreal.  Anchor Chiropractic sponsored this slug. Its place of honor will be our guest room.

The last slug I found we are calling the mystery slug because we are to receive it later. We can hardly wait to welcome our new slug to our home. Yes, these slugs are prized possessions especially in Kingston, Washington.  

I must say I loved and enjoyed the slug Gene found. It was a chocolate one which of course we have no photo of,  because we were too eager to taste and enjoy.

It was a fun day when 250 slugs invaded Kingston. Profits from this annual event benefit the Front Street Gallery Art Scholarship Fund and the Kingston Chamber of Commerce. Our thanks to Front Street Gallery, Kingston Chamber of Commerce, Yacht Club, sponsors, and all the many volunteers. We had a great day and can’t wait until next year when the slugs once again invade Kingston.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Free Online Christian Writer’s Conference

For my friends who are writers and would be writers, I wanted to share a great opportunity available to you.  Elaine Wright Colvin, Writer’s Information Network founder and director, shared the following email:
Author with Seven Million Books Sold Presents at Online Conference for Christian Writers
MEDIA ADVISORY, August 9, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Athanatos Christian Ministries is an apologetics ministry with a mission: defend the faith in the culture by cultivating Christian authors, artists, and musicians. On top of their annual Christian writing contests, they have now added a free online writing conference. The conference will be held on August 18th, 2011. The conference website is
ACM is not new to virtual conferencing. It has hosted two online apologetics conferences in the last two years. This spring, Dr. Gene Edward Veith was the keynote. The 'keynote' to ACM's writing conference is also connected to Dr. Veith. John Erickson, author of the 'Hank the Cowdog' series, which has sold 7.5 million copies, has more recently penned a book speaking specifically to Christian writers and Dr. Veith writes the introduction. (Nancy Pearcey writes the foreword.)

"Story Craft: Reflections on Faith, Culture & Writing" shares Mr. Erickson's experiences and perspectives with the Christian author in mind.

Since the conference is free and takes place online, Christian writers from across the globe can participate.

Other presenters include the conference's host, ACM's Executive Director, Anthony Horvath. Author Dr. Holly Ordway will present on the 'art of wordsmithing.' The winners of ACM's first annual Christian novel contest will also be presenting: Shirley Tucker, author of the upcoming release "Diamonds in the Dust" and Robert Abernathy, whose title "The Walk to Walden Hill" is officially available September 1st. Other presenters include published short story author Pastor Jamie Greening and screenwriter Robert Kramer.

ACM has been actively reaching out to Christian authors and spurring them on to excellence for three years. Its second annual Christian novel contest is taking submissions through September 1st. $2,500 awaits the winners, plus possibly an offer to publish. ACM's fourth annual Christian short story and poetry contests begin taking submissions on September 2nd. A scholarship is available for eligible high school entrants and the winner of the adult category is invited to present at one of ACM's conferences. Last year's winner of the 19 and up category, Robert Cely, is presenting at ACM's August 18th conference.

To learn more about ACM's contests and to submit an entry visit
The online conference is free but registration is required. Register and learn more at

Thanks Elaine for the great information. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

For Students and Writers

On a recent trip to the store I realized school is just around the corner when I saw all the school supplies on sale. For the classroom or workplace I have a book recommendation. What’s the Rule? A Simple Guide to Perfect Punctuation, Great Grammar, and Superb Sentences and Style by Kathy Sole is a user-friendly reference guide. As Kathy states, “Writing rules for the real world.” I was blessed to receive this book as a gift. Thanks P.J. and Kathy. I hope you will check it out and make your life easier. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Reading

What books are you reading this year?

I’m reading, Angels in Our Lives by Marie Chapian. I confess I’ve only read about 100 pages of the 266 pages but have already found it different than most angel books I’ve read.  She shares how angels fit into our everyday lives and how to partner with them. This book will bring you up higher in your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this read and I know you will be blessed! Hebrews 1:14:  "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?"

Let’s share any books we’ve discovered worth our reading time.

Just Believe,

Friday, July 8, 2011

Update from Tate Publishing for my children’s picture book, Heaven, Just Believe.

This month Chris Webb, a graphic designer from Tate Publishing, will be working on the cover design and the layout of Heaven, Just Believe.

Chris will work the cover illustration into several possibilities followed by the Creative Director’s review and recommendations. The middle of this month I will receive an email with the options. I can hardly wait! I know many of you shared your ideas with me about the cover and they were all great.  Thanks for sharing. I’ll post the cover as soon as it is available!

The layout process is where everything comes together and it looks like a book! Again, I can hardly wait to see the initial proof the end of this month.

I’m looking forward to all the wonderful surprises. Today I was given a word from the Lord which was, “Stand-by!”

Just Believe

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Latest Update on Children’s Picture Book: Heaven, Just Believe

What do you mean, I have a say? As a children’s writer I was taught I do the writing and the illustrator does the drawings and the two shall not meet. But with Tate Publishing, it has been a joy to join with illustrator Jason Hutton in his creative process. With his talent, the characters have come alive with personalities. I must confess it is a surreal feeling seeing your words with faces. There is no peaking but you will be able to see all the characters later this year.
Just Believe,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Jehovah-nissi, The Lord Our Banner

At 62 almost 63 years old why would Jesus ask me to enter the new territory of a published author? I have always wanted to write a children’s picture book and it was a joy to write, Heaven, Just Believe but the creative process is only a step into the publishing world. There is the marketing aspect which includes, websites, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and on, on. It can be overwhelming with so many new territories and so little time. During times of transitions when we enter new territories we can call on Jehovah-nissi, the Lord our banner. 

Would you like to know more about Jehovah-nissi?  Please check out my article which was accepted for publication at My thanks to Celia Klaver and the Patricia King team.

Just Believe

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Or better said, a book cover design is worth a thousand words. Yes, the editing process comes to a close next week and the book cover design phase begins. I’m inviting you to share your ideas for the cover. What is your vision for the cover of, Heaven, Just Believe? For more information about the book, click Children’s Books. Looking forward to your comments below.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Are Bookstores Obsolete?

Today, we read the shocking news about mega bookstores closing and filing bankruptcies. Is the rich experience of walking through the book stacks of your favorite bookstore going away? Is the day coming, when we will no longer have a book to hold?

On a recent trip to Portland, Oregon my husband, Gene, had a surprise for me. He took me to see Powell’s Books, the largest bookstore in Portland. Powell’s sells four million new and used books a year with a half million books in stock. We had a wonderful time exploring all the books and seeing people everywhere enjoying the book buying process.

First, I found the children’s book department. I browsed the award-winning children’s books. It fascinated me to see the past winners all the way back to the 1940’s. I enjoyed looking at the staff’s current recommendations. It encouraged my heart to see children excited to find their favorite book.

I’m in the research process about writing my next children’s book about angels. I found a stack of interesting books about angels at Powell’s. What a blessings!

I encourage you to visit Powell’s at one of their six locations. We liked:

1005 W. Burnside
Portland, Oregon

Or you can visit on-line at:
And yes, they sell e-books.

Today we can have it all, the bookstore experience and the convenience of e-book readers.

Please share your favorite bookstore experience, especially if you have visited Powell’s.

Enjoy a book today,
Just Believe

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Children’s Picture Book Update

Many of you have asked me, “How’s the book progressing?” Hot off the press, the latest updates:

The title is Heaven, Just Believe. The copy editing phase and phase 1 of the conceptual editing is now complete. Today, the manuscript has entered phase 2 (the last phase) of the conceptual editing. I will receive it back May 13th for the final review. Yippee!

You may be asking yourself what’s the difference between copy editing and conceptual editing?

The copy editor reviews the technical issues. The editor is on the hunt for any punctuation, spelling, or grammar errors. 

The conceptual editor’s focus is plot formation, character development, and dialogue. The editor flags any areas of concern but it is the author’s job to do all rewrites.

Everyone I’ve worked with at Tate Publishing has been very helpful and a blessing. Thanks Tate team.

Sandy Hill
Just Believe   

Friday, April 22, 2011

Let your voice be heard!

Cast Your Vote By Commenting:
Do you believe in heaven?  Yes or No
Please share with us if you or someone you know has had an experience in heaven?
Just Believe, 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back

Every author dreams of seeing their book on the New York Times best seller list. This is exactly what happened to this true story about a four year old son of a pastor. During emergency surgery Colton enters heaven. When he returns he shares experiences about meeting his miscarried sister, whom no one had told him about and his great grandfather who died before he was born. He shares impossible to know details about each. Colton describes Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. This story is told by Colton’s dad but often Colton’s own words are used. Once again, more evidence heaven is a real place. This story created a big buzz. If you have read it I’d love to hear your input. Please click comment below and give me your thoughts.
Just Believe,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Do you want to know about heaven or hell?

Let me recommend, Visions Beyond the Veil by H. A. Baker. This true story is an easy read and a page turner.

Orphaned, forgotten, uneducated children living in remote China are taken in by missionaries, the Bakers. While living at the Adullam House, the children fall under the power of the Holy Spirit and have visions and encounters of heaven and hell.

The author used scriptures to explain the mysteries the children encountered. For believers, an amazing journey awaits you. For the pre-believer I hope you take this book to heart and ponder what you have read.
Comments welcome.

Just Believe,

Monday, February 28, 2011

Welcome to the blog of Sandy Hill

Hi. I thought I would start by answering many of the questions I’ve been asked since I shared the news that my children’s picture book is under contract with Tate Publishing.
What is the book about?
Do you want to know what heaven is like? Is heaven boring or fun? Is there anything to do in heaven? What will you see? Join Elliot and Ashley as they discover the answers to these questions during their astonishing journey of discovery. This story is inspired by true experiences.
Who will do the illustrations?
It is the standard in the world of children’s book publishing to submit a manuscript without illustrations. Tate publishing has a talented illustrations staff and I’m looking forward to working with them.
When will the book be available?
The Fall of 2011
Will you do book signing and where?
Yes, it’s a dream come true to be the writer for a book signing. I’m excited to go to every available bookstore.

Hope you visit again and share your comments and questions. I will post information helpful for children and articles for writers. May you be inspired.