Wednesday, April 19, 2017

3, 2, 1, Liftoff!

Sandy Hill is celebrating the launch of her two new children’s books! During the week April 19-25, she will give away 25 Kindle copies of each book on a first come first serve basis.
25 Chick Heather’s New Neighborhood: New Friends
25 Chick Heather’s new Neighborhood: Read Imagine Draw

To get your copies, just email and ask for them. Sandy will gift them to you.

Why give them away? She wants to hear what you think of them, particularly the new activity book approach of Read, Imagine, Draw. Once you have read them, Sandy asks that you post reviews on

As a thank you, Sandy will enter you into a drawing for a Grand Prize: 
A child’s book bag with signed copies of Sandy’s new books, Gabby, a new plush puppy friend, and a Deluxe Playskool Art Pack.

Feel free to tell your friends.

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